Jake Plummer feels bad about using an expletive to describe Jerry Jones

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Former NFL quarterback Jake Plummer generated a lot of noise this past week when, while discu sing the use of medical marijuana in the NFL, Old Wake 'N Jake probably went a bit too far, and probably didn't Milan Lucic Women Jersey really help his cause by being so aggre sive, and, , decided to try and pack his comment back in the tube. "I was in a pa sionate moment at that time ... sometimes I might not think everything through clearly. It came out, I said it, I'll own it, I'll stand by it," Plummer said. "I don't know Jerry Jones personally enough Brendan Gaunce Kids Jersey to call him that, which is probably why I shouldn't have used that word. But, for him to say those things about the absurdity of a link between CTE and brain trauma -- it points to a guy who's trying to protect his investment or is completely out of touch with reality."He's not wrong about the absurdity of ignoring the connection between CTE and brain trauma. It's just obvious there's a connection, right? But it's not wise to call someone a rich jerkstore just because you don Jake Debrusk Kids Jersey 't like their comments. And again, it doesn't help to advance his cause by being super aggre sive when the cause he's pushing is supposed to help people relax and be more mentally stable.On the other hand, everyone is now talking about it, so any pre s is good pre s, I gue s. "I probably didn't do well by calling him what I did, but hey it's what happened at that moment and people are talking about Jaromir Jagr Kids Jersey it which is a great thing," Plummer said. "Ultimately we want to save the game, we don't want to fight the NFL over this, we just want to help keep the game that we all love to watch -- and I loved to play -- keep it alive." The NFL will eventually come around on the idea of medical marijuana. It's becoming more and more common in the country -- two states with NFL teams, Colorado and Washington, already Alex Petrovic Jersey legalized it -- but the NFL is typically more conservative in spots like this. Expecting a rapidly transforming policy would be a major surprise. But as the country comes around to the idea, it won't be surprising to see profe sional sports leagues follow suit.
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